What Happened On This Day May 10 In F1 History?

From a controversial win at the 1936 Tripoli Grand Prix to Jochen Rindt's dramatic victory at the 1970 Monaco Grand Prix.


By Ben Bush
Updated on July 18, 2024

Jochen Rindt wins the 1970 Monaco Grand Prix
In an exhilarating finish to the 1970 Monaco Grand Prix, Jochen Rindt seized the win at the final turn.

What happened on this day, May 10 in Formula 1 history? Find out interesting facts and stories about Formula 1 on this day.


At the 1936 Tripoli Grand Prix, Achille Varzi was ensured a win through team orders, influenced by political aims to strengthen ties between fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. Hans Von Stuck, who had dominated the race, was instructed to let Varzi pass, a move later acknowledged during a victory celebration where the real victor, Stuck, was toasted by Italian Marshall Balbo.


Graham Hill clinched his second Monaco Grand Prix victory on May 10, 1964, leading the entire field by an extra lap in his BRM. Despite the flattering final result, Hill had faced stiff competition from Dan Gurney and Jim Clark, both of whom had encountered mechanical failures late in the race, leading to their retirements.


Tragically, Lorenzo Bandini succumbed to severe burns on May 10, 1967, three days after his fiery crash at the 1967 Monaco Grand Prix. His Ferrari struck a lamp post, igniting the fuel tank while he was unconscious inside the overturned vehicle. Despite immediate rescue efforts, Bandini, who had a notable career including a victory at the 1964 Austrian Grand Prix and wins at Le Mans and the Targa Florio, died following complications from his injuries.


In an exhilarating finish to the 1970 Monaco Grand Prix on May 10, Jochen Rindt seized the win at the final turn. Leading for 67 laps, Jack Brabham was poised to win until he crashed into hay bales, handing Rindt the win who would pass him just 400 yards from the finish line. Earlier in the race, Jackie Stewart relinquished the lead due to engine trouble, and Chris Amon retired with suspension issues after competing closely with Brabham.


Lewis Hamilton expressed regret over participating in a Vodafone publicity stunt for McLaren in which he was depicted as Apollo in a reenactment of the Battle of Troy. The Times newspaper criticised Hamilton for undermining his image, and after viewing the footage, Hamilton remarked on the stunt’s inappropriateness, noting its negative impact on his “cool” persona. “I thought ‘that really was not cool’,” Hamilton said. “I just turned up and got on with what I’ve been told to do. Now I’ve seen the footage and it’s one of the worst things I’ve ever seen. At the end of the day I have a cool image, and things like that don’t help.”

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About The Author

Chief Editor

Ben Bush

Ben is our chief editor specialising in F1 from the 1990s to the modern era. Ben has been following Formula 1 since 1986 and is an avid researcher who loves understanding the technology that makes it one of the most exciting motorsport on the planet. He listens to podcasts about F1 on a daily basis, and enjoys reading books from the inspirational Adrian Newey to former F1 drivers.

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